Workplace Investigations

Are you an individual or organization representative that requires a workplace or human resource investigation? If so, you need an investigative firm with a thorough understanding of information-gathering techniques and legal limitations. The firm you choose must also deliver accurate, unbiased results. Robert Cirtin Investigations can provide the services you need with the speed and quality that you deserve.

Protecting Your Organization

As an employer, you may find yourself dealing with an employee or group of employees exhibiting unethical, illegal, or inappropriate behavior. A comprehensive investigation is critical for protecting your company, employees, and clients.

Making sure that investigations occur rapidly and thoroughly is our primary concern. We understand that you need to fulfill the needs and protect the interests of your organization. We also understand the need to reassure your employees that the issue is no longer a concern.

We conduct the following investigations:

Seeking Justice for Employees

If you are an individual who has experienced employment-related discrimination, you deserve vindication. At Robert Cirtin Investigations, our highly-trained investigative staff understands that if you have been impacted by any discriminatory practices, you have suffered enough.

Our primary goal is to help ease your stress and agitation while providing the information you need to help make your case. We provide our investigation expertise to employees dealing with the following issues: